b Riding East: Applebaum Variation Performance

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Applebaum Variation Performance

As a follow up to a previous post, sfSound performed my Applebaum Variation at a concert at Stanford in November. Here is an MP3 of the performance, as well as a reference to my score for the piece.

The performance recording presents several challenges: it is not evident the performers understood the structure of the piece -- specifically the metrical relationships of the phrases. The balance is also a challenge -- in particular, the strings are not audible throughout vs the percussion. Of course there is the issue with the notes themselves. I don't believe an interpretation of the piece was therefore remotely possibe. After hearing a rehearsal the night before I proposed pulling the piece as it was evident sfSound had not practiced the piece (it's not obvious to me that they looked at the score prior to the rehearsal). I was persuaded to not pull the piece. And so, it was a learning experience, and I made sure I was properly sedated for the performance.

Applebaum Variation


Blogger Jagrmeister said...

I strongly suggest you quit leeching off the educational system, get a job, and be a productive member of society. We don't need more spoiled music dilletantes; we need our math/science majors to apply themselves. Unfortunately, the consequence of this lack of work ethic is that we are going to be more heavily offshoring to people who actually don't mind applying themselves to worthwhile activities.

11:37 PM  
Blogger jcs said...

still enjoying your comment jagrmeister. might want to read more about my background/profession...

3:59 PM  

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