b Riding East: Mass #1: Final Draft

Monday, September 17, 2007

Mass #1: Final Draft

The final draft of my first mass is now complete. Many thanks to Giancarlo, Jonathan, & Greg for their input. I suppose this really isn't a final draft as Steve will be giving me some input in a couple days.

I compose and dedicate this Mass #1 to the memory of Erika Knight Fox. Erika, I remember our argument over religion freshman year. I thought I won at the time. I remember you bouncing down the stairs of Madera when we were moving into our dorm the first day of Freshman orientation. Could you be serious wearing those bright orange pants your first day of school? I certainly remember our times talking about life in the hammock. And I will always cherish our time listening to Faure's Requiem as we ate that silly chocolate covered cherry we got at the Stanford Shopping Center.

The Kyrie and Sanctus will be performed on November 18th, 2007 at Stanford Memorial Church by the Stanford Memorial Church Choir and Organist, Robert Morgan.

Kyrie Score

Gloria I
Gloria I Score

Gloria II
Gloria II Score

Credo I
Credo I Score

Organ Canon
Organ Canon Score

Credo II & Sanctus
Credo II & Sanctus Score

Benedictus Score

Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei Score


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