b Riding East: June 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Evening in Transylvania: San Jose Chamber Orchestra

I've completed an arrangement of my Bartok variations for the San Jose Chamber Orchestra, who will perform this piece next spring -- May 18th I believe. This arrangement calls for a solo trumpet, a solo violin, 11 violins, 4 violas, 4 cellos, and a cello bass. I've included individual movements w/ midi, as well as conductor score and trumpet part.

Evening in Transylvania I: Lento Espressivo

Evening in Transylvania II: Allegro Agitato

Evening in Transylvania III: Scherzando

All movements
Trumpet part

Monday, June 11, 2007

Evening in Transylvania I: Chamber Orchestra

I'm re-orchestrating this octet as the San Jose Chamber Orchestra will perform this piece next Spring. I have a ways to go. Here is the first cut at the first two movements. Arrangement for 12 violins, 4 violas, 4 cellos, a cello bass -- and one trumpet.

Evening in Transylvania I: Lento Espressivo

Evening in Transylvania II: Allegro Agitato

Evening in Transylvania III: Scherzando

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Mass #1: Agnus Dei & Organ Canon

The first draft of my first mass is now complete. I threw away the previous 'Dona' and wrote the new agnus dei movement from scratch. I also have inserted an organ solo in between the two movements of the Credo, and have rewritten the organ introduction to Credo II.

I need to let it sit for a bit, and then come back and fix the broken sections (for example the transition in the Agnus Dei).

Kyrie Score

Gloria I
Gloria I Score

Gloria II
Gloria II Score

Credo I
Credo I Score

Organ Canon
Organ Canon Score

Credo II & Sanctus
Credo II & Sanctus Score

Benedictus Score

Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei Score